Thursday 6 May 2010

reply on Sukhi Blog about Tatoos!

I think celebrity tatoos look great but I would never get one! You never see that tatoos 30 years later when the celebs are all old and wrinkly!
Also, most people i know get bored of their tatoos and wish they had never done it! I know i will neveer get one!
Ones that have meanings are nice but I think their are other ways to express yourself!

:) Xx


Why is smokin in films always so glamorous? All the beautiful people smoke and they make it look so cool. But in relaity everything is so much different! Smoking doesn't make you cool, it isn't beautiful and it's definately not glamorous!!!

In Grease when Sandy is smoking she looks amazing..but it's never like that in real life! Smoking is a disgusting habit! And here are jus some of the effects of smoking:

- One in two lifetime smokers will die from their habit.
- Causes many cancers
- Can cause heart attacks and strokes.
- One in 4 deaths from heart disease are due to smoking.

These facts and more can be found at

So why if poeple know these facts do they continue to smoke??
Whether your a social smoker or smoke 20 a day it all effects you an you need to try and stop for your health!!!
Although most of you will say if you quit smoking you could get hit by a bus tomorrow? But this isn't certain that you would get hit by a bus..however if you continue smoking you wil inevitably get some sort of horrendous disease!!!

:) Xx

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Telling lies with integrity!

This is the topic i decided do to my assessment on and whilst researching it i found little books on the topic. The question i choose was 'would the world be a better place if everyone told the truth?' I believe that some lies are ok to tell whereas some are definately not! But how do we decide what ones are ok to tell an what ones aren't?

If you think about the last week im sure that everyone reading this has told one or more lies..and sometims you probably don't realise who or how these lies affect people!

So if you have told a lie you can decide wether or not it is acceptable or not and who and how it has affected people! And of course feel free to let me know!

I found this website that gives other peoples views on if the world would be a better place if everyone told the truth..have a look and add your own views!

Hope this has made you think the next time you decided to tell a lie. However, at the end if the day its your choice if you lie and you can decide if its ok or not!

:) xx

Tuesday 13 April 2010


Drugs are dangerous substances that ruin peoples bodies and lives. So why do people take them? I have no idea! As i would never do drugs but I do know many poeple that do. I believe the main reasons people take drugs are to fit in, to get away from thier problems, just to try it and because they are addicted. But i believe that no matter what reasons people have for taking drugs, they do not outweigh the problems that can occur by taking them!

Celebrities taking drugs has become a familiar scene in recent years with popular favourites lik Kate Moss, Pete Doherty and Amy Winehouse.
Check out this websites that lists the top 100 celebrities caught posessing drugs

So just as drugs are becoming more popular with celebrities, they are becoming more popular with any regular person.

I found this website which lists the top 10 drugs and their effects..before anyone considers taking drugs they should read this list and maybe they will think twice!

:) Xx

Saturday 10 April 2010

Binge Drinking

Like the majority of students I enjoy a good night out drinking. But is this drinking damaging my health? And does any student care if it is or not?

Research shows that Britain is one of the biggest binge drinking society in Europe..and girls are just as bad as boys! In an article posted by the mirror in April 2009 they claim more than 5,000 teenage girls were admitted to hospital in 2008 due to alochol related injuries.

But is alcohol abuse all just a part of growing up or do we have a serious problem in Britain. Most teenagers would say its just a part of growing up and laugh at the drinken nights out they have had, no matter what state they have got in! And, most adults would say we have a serious problem that needs to be solved!

I believe it is our choice whether we drink or not, for example, I drink everytime i go out, in fact i wont go to a nightclub if I cant drink, but, I dont have to get completely wasted to the point where i dont know what I'm doing and dont remember the nights events! If young people want to get drunk and make a fool out of themselves and run the risk of ending up in hospital it is their choice and they probably do have a serious problem. However, I believe most people only do get this drunk when they are young. When they grow up they wont get as drunk as they used to!

I'm sure your parents remember going out when they were younger and getting completely wasted..ask them and see if they tell you the truth about their clubbing days! heehee!

:) Xx

Monday 5 April 2010


Why would anyone want to cheat?? I have no answer for this! But this website tries to explain why! It suggests that their are forces within the individuals that push and pull them towards affairs.
Push Factors include:
- Curiosity
- Attraction
- Enhanced self image

Pull factors include:
- Boredom
- Desire for attention
- Desire to punish one's partner.

But even with all these explanations..can their ever be a good reason for cheating on someone! I belief the answer to this is no! If you want to cheat don't be in a relationship! Cheating hurts too many people and shouldn't occur..its a unthinkable and decietful act that someone you supposedly love should never have to go through!

But this is only my view..let me know what you think..can their ever be a good reason for cheating??

:) Xx

Wednesday 10 March 2010


When I first read the title for the lecture in Week 5 I was rather amused and interested. How and why would anyone want to do a two hour lecture on masturbation?
However, as we sat in that packed room MC001 (the most people i have seen all semester so people must have been as interested to know what was goin to be reported in the next hour as I was) I realised how and why someone would want to.

There is little awareness of masturbation in tv, film or the media, it is something very rarely discussed and as a result I have never been aware of any of the outrageous suggestions e.g. masturbation makes you go blind and can even kill you! I think we have plenty more things to worry about than stupid suggestions like that! That was rather interesting to find out. Also, the amount of people trying to peek at their neighbours answers to the survey was also very interesting and made me giggle! heehee! However, some of the phrases used for masturbation were not as amusing, stirring the yoghurt was just wrong and did make me feel rather nauseous! haha!

After the lecture i discussed it with a friend and they sat me down an showed me an episode of American Dad that you will find very interesting: It's called "A Smith in the Hand" Season 1 episode 9! So Check it out!
If you dont get to watch it heres a link da explains what goes on in the episode..but do try and get to watch it because its a good one!

One more thing, for those of you who say you masturbate you have nothing better to do?? i really do want to know! lol!

:) X

Thursday 11 February 2010

Field Trip???

For our field trip in week 12 I think we should go to a tatoo parlour (relating to class in week 10 on tatoos an body modification) and all get a tatoo saying 'being bad'
I doubt many people would go through with it but it would be interesting to see who did :)