Saturday 10 April 2010

Binge Drinking

Like the majority of students I enjoy a good night out drinking. But is this drinking damaging my health? And does any student care if it is or not?

Research shows that Britain is one of the biggest binge drinking society in Europe..and girls are just as bad as boys! In an article posted by the mirror in April 2009 they claim more than 5,000 teenage girls were admitted to hospital in 2008 due to alochol related injuries.

But is alcohol abuse all just a part of growing up or do we have a serious problem in Britain. Most teenagers would say its just a part of growing up and laugh at the drinken nights out they have had, no matter what state they have got in! And, most adults would say we have a serious problem that needs to be solved!

I believe it is our choice whether we drink or not, for example, I drink everytime i go out, in fact i wont go to a nightclub if I cant drink, but, I dont have to get completely wasted to the point where i dont know what I'm doing and dont remember the nights events! If young people want to get drunk and make a fool out of themselves and run the risk of ending up in hospital it is their choice and they probably do have a serious problem. However, I believe most people only do get this drunk when they are young. When they grow up they wont get as drunk as they used to!

I'm sure your parents remember going out when they were younger and getting completely wasted..ask them and see if they tell you the truth about their clubbing days! heehee!

:) Xx

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